A large portion of the engine is currently functional, though there are certain areas that still need some work. I am currently working on
completing the items in the "not implemented" below, as well as supporting documentation (including a detailed grammar definition, html based
help, and scripting samples.)
I am also developing a testing suite based on CppUnit to test various areas of the engines. As a side project, I'm developing an addin for Visual
Studio.NET 2003 which runs cppunit based tests, hopefully similar to the testdriven.net addin. (I have been looking for one, but wasn't able to find one yet. If anybody knows
about one, let me know!
Currently Implemented:
Program Flow
assign statements
repeat statements
while statements
if statements
for statements
simple expression statements
as ( obj as Type )
relational ( < > <= >= )
equality ( IS, =, IN )
Type Declaration
interfaces (COM)
alias types
Declarations & Definitions
function and procedure
class member
class methods (known as static in other languages)
Program Organization
Module inclusion ( "uses" clause )
programs, units, script scopes
initialization and finalization blocks
COM Integeration
addition of COM objects (through IActiveScript::AddNamedItem() )
Currently not implemented:
exception handling
constructor & destructor definition
dynamic arrays
shift expressions
goto & label statements
with statement
case statement
set Operations
array & record constants
relational expressions ( < & > ) on strings & variants ( = is currently defined )